Friday, May 29, 2009

Diana DeGarmo Can Now Work Without Interruption

Today, we bring you an update on Tanya Marie Quattrocchi, the infamous stalker that has been harassing Diana DeGarmo (May 25 - June 1, 2008) for almost 4 years now. Well, the latest news is that she has plead guilty to four counts of stalking the EdgeMusic alum. The charges also include stalking her mother and a flatmate. Also, the word "flatmate" is the Australian term for "roommate".

Diana, who experienced stardom through season 3 of American Idol, finishing second to Fantasia Barrino. About to turn 22 next month, she has recently starred in "Back to Bacharach & David" and released an independent country EP titled "Unplugged in Nashville" on iTunes.

The 23 year old Australian woman first got charged with identity theft when she stole DeGarmo's credit card information. She then went further into a series of phone calls, text messages, and e-mails. Since then, she has hacked Diana's personal websites and emails, and she phoned ant texted her 939 times in a six month period. Whoa!

Apparently, that's just the beginning. Quattrocchi sent sexually explicit emails to DeGarmo's sister-in-law and work colleague, and in January last year, she sent an email to Diana DeGarmo. It gets even worse. She has hacked into Diana's MySpace profile 700 TIMES between May 2008 and January 2009. We can only wonder if Tanya was the one that convinced us to remove one of Diana's fans from our Vice-President election last November.

Defendant Shaun Pascoe told the judge that she was planning to write a book, and the judge went against it. If released, the book would have given her a FIFTH count of stalking. Pascoe also argued against an immediate jail sentence because of her age. However, Prosecutor Susan Borg ruled in favor of a jail sentence sayting that if she does not go to jail, she will continue stalking Diana.

Yesterday, it has been announced that Tanya has been sentenced to 26 months in Australian prison. That means she won't break free until July 2011, although she will eligible for parole 12 months from now. Australia better not have any computers in their prisons, because Diana cannot afford any more distractions for her career.

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