Friday, July 17, 2009

First Class Fever Is On Indefinite Hiatus

First Class Fever (July 13 - 20, 2008) just announced a year after they have become an EdgeMusic winner that they are going on an indefinite hiatus. This was their explanation on their MySpace blog titled "":

Hey everyone,

There comes a time in everyone's life where they need to take a step back, re-evaluate what they're doing, and make some hard decisions. We're are going to be calling it quits for awhile. There are plenty of reasons why we have made this decision, but the main thing is, there is only so much a band can take without going anywhere.

We want to thank everyone for the amazing memories:
Our first show ever at The Door, meeting our first fan mackenzie.
Plano Centre Shows
Warped Tour
Hitting no. 25 on's Top Unsigned List
Recording with Geoff Rockwell
Touring with our boys in The Rad and Select Start
and most importantly getting to meet all of our amazing fans and supporters.

John will be focusing on producing artists! You can listen to "NYC or Bust" and "Gossip Girl" on our myspace as examples of his work.

Andy and Eric will be returning to College to pursue degrees.

Dillon and Joe will be around so I'm sure you'll see them at shows and such.

No one is giving up on music so be on the look out for new projects!

We will be having a massive merch sale and if a band needs a trailer in great shape hit us up for pics and specs!

Much Love,
First Class Fever

If this is the last we hear from them, we thank them for what they've brought to EdgeMusic. We will always remember them.

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